Saturday, January 4, 2014

From One to Many


"And she will bring forth a Son,

and you shall call His name Jesus,

for He will save His people from their sins.”
 Matthew 1:21 (NKJV)
Manger front and center this Christmas season...with red ribbons
This year at VWC, our dramatic presentation was entitled, "From One to Many." The presentation began with a spot-lit manger filled with red ribbons. The narrator began by calling people, one by one, to share their testimony of how they came to know Jesus Christ. As they came forward, they simply grabbed a red ribbon as they spoke. When they sat down, they took the red ribbon to their seat. Conveniently sitting next to them was the person they had spoke about in their testimony!

When the six people had given their testimonies, there were six red ribbons strung from the manger to the six people sitting with the person responsible for them being in the church.

At the conclusion, a man portraying Jesus came forward and took hold of the ribbons to signify that Jesus came in the manger as a babe only to later, die on the cross for our sins--

From One to Many.

It was a powerful way to portray the Christmas season!

May you find MANY to introduce to Jesus in 2014!

Remember the ONE who made all of our lives possible!


Drink a LATTE coffee and stay warm!

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